A Farewell Greeting
Shot on Oct..17, 2013
尚、私のE-mail Address (kikushima@appie.or.jp) は2014年12月31日を持ちまして閉鎖されました。ご了解下さい。
新E-mail Address
January 1, 2015
Dear All,
I am writing this message to inform you that I am entirely leaving the APPIE works. Looking back, I somehow have always been involved in the works for APPIE (The Association of Powder Process Industry and Engineering, JAPAN) since my first participation in ICPT(The Information Center of Particle Technology) in 1996, up until today.
Year 2000 marked the first opening of APT2000, where I had the precious opportunity to work with members of organizations from various countries, as well as members of APPIE and SPTJ (Society of Powder Technology, JAPAN) and JAAST (Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology) through which many valuable friendships blossomed. In every APPIE project I have engaged in, I remain truly grateful for your help, without which nothing could have been achieved.
In April 2012, I have been enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences in University of Tokyo, where I am studying English Literatures and related subjects as an auditing student among other younger classmates. For the time being, I am planning to keep studying (after the University of Tokyo discontinues the auditing student program in 2014, I moved to Hitotsubashi university).
In closing, allow me to extend my very best wishes for your continued health and success.
Please note that my Email addres (kikushima@appie.or.jp) was permanently disabled as of 31 December 2014.
My new E-mail Address
kikushimak@mejirodai.net (available from now on)
Sincerely yours,
Kazuyoshi Kikushima